Matins Pharma is a leading supplier / manufacturer of Drotaverine and Mefenamic Acid Tablets under its PCD Pharma Franchise Model.

Drotaverine and Mefenamic Acid

Drota-MF Tablets


Drotaverine Hydrochloride 80mg + Mefenamic Acid 250mg 


An anti-spasmodic drug combination of Drotaverine + Mefenamic acid is indicated for the treatment of spasmodic dysmenorrhoea, colic pains including ureteric, biliary and intestinal colic.

The pharmacological action of Drotaverine is rapid and direct onto the smooth muscles present in the ureter and abdominal cavity. Direct inhibition of cyclic AMP (cAMP) results in correction of calcium levels at the spastic tissues and thereby alleviate smooth muscle spasm. (

 Mefenamic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that alleviates pain symptoms by inhibition of pain mediators associated with cyclooxygenase pathway. (



• Inflammatory bowel disease

• Peptic ulcer

• Previous coronary artery bypass graft surgery

• Severe renal impairment

• Severe heart failure

• Hepatic impairment

• Asthma

Kindly consult a Physician for the patients for exact effects and side effects. Kindly discuss with your doctor in case of any allergies or adverse reactions.




Drotaverine + Mefenamic acid combination may cause the following issues: 

  • Dry mouth
  • Vertigo
  • Nausea and vomiting

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    Apart from Drotaverine + Mefenamic Acid Combination, Matins Pharma is offering PCD Pharma Franchise on Monopoly Basis in the following divisions:

    • Gynecology Range
    • Pediatrics Range
    • Ophthalmology Range
    • Orthopedic Range
    • Antibiotics in PCD Franchise
    • Cardiac Diabetic Range
    • Injectables Range