PTR and PTS Calculator in PCD Pharma Franchise

PTRPrice To Retailer in PCD Pharma Franchise

PTSPrice To Stockist in PCD Pharma Franchise


PTR and PTS Calculator

Calculate the price to Retailer and Price to stockist
Enter MRP per strip in Rs.
% age gst applicable
% age retailer margin
Rs. per strip for retailer
% age stockist margin
Rs. per strip for Stockist


MRP per strip
Price to retailer - PTRRs. 0
Price to Stockist - PTSRs. 0

You can Calculate PTR and PTS on your own … !

For that you will require:

  • MRP of the Product per strip
  • GST Percentage
  • Retailer Margin Percentage
  • Stockiest Margin Percentage


Net Amount – MRP*(1-Retailer Margin %)

GST Factor – (GST+100)/100

PTR – Net Amount/GST Factor

PTS – PTR*(1 – Stockist Margin %)

how to calculate PTR and PTS

PTR and PTS Calculator 

PCD Pharma Franchise in India

What is PTR?

PCD Pharma Franchise in India

What is PTS?

PTR and PTS Calculator

Yes you Can!!

PTR and PTS Calculator

Requirements to Calculate PTR and PTS 

PTR and PTS calculator

Formula to Calculate PTR and PTS 

PCD Pharma Franchise in India

For Best PCD Pharma Franchise

What is PTR PTS Calculator?

PTR PTS Calculator or also named as PTS PTR Calculator gives an idea that at which price the goods will be sold to the retailer and to the stockiest.  Pharma Distributors can directly fill the entries in the calculator and it will show you the result in no time. 

We offer the following ranges in PCD Pharma Franchise: 

PCD Pharma Franchise

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